
Saturday, March 7, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] Google PDF Viewer

Today FREE APP is Google PDF Viewer.

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New app from Google, this time is a PDF Viewer. Dedicated to view the PDF, print it or search any text inside the PDF doc.

Well after installing the app, if you can't find it on your screen, just don't get panicked. Nothing is wrong with your phones or tablets. Google PDF Viewer is not a really an usual standard app, because once you installed Google PDF Viewer, there will be no icon showing on your app screen. It's just like another 'viewer' app, the only way to access Google PDF Viewer is via the open with menu.
Select your PDF view and tap on it, the open with menu will appear, from there, select Google PDF Viewer.

Current version varies between device, however the app requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

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1 comment:

  1. Current version varies between device, however the app requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up. Spy Facebook Chat
