
Monday, September 28, 2015

[FREE ANDROID APP] Ghostery: Browse Internet Safely Without Getting Tracked

Today FREE ANDROID APP is Ghostery.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Tired of being tracked of your activity online?
Or you don't really know that all this time you are always being tracked, don't you?

Either both, Ghostery is a browser app that can show and help you to stop being tracked when you do your activity online.

Here is the app trailer that shows you how you are being tracked:

Tap on the ghost icon when visiting a website to see what kind of trackers are online and tracking you. Turn off/on the trackers easily by sliding on the on/off button.

So, take control of what you want to be tracked to and browse freely and safely.

This app does not offers in-app purchases.
This app requires internet access.

Current version 1.2.1 requires Android 4.0.3 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:


Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

PS: images are courtesy of Google, Inc and/or Ghostery, Inc.

Friday, September 25, 2015

[FREE ANDROID GAME] Skyline Skaters - Run away from Police, Skate between Skyscrappers

Today FREE ANDROID GAME is Skyline Skaters.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Skyline Skaters is a fun, simple as well as endless-type of game. If you played Subway Surfer previously, then Skyline Skaters is the similar except that Skyline Skaters is 2D and can move to other city.

Start skating using the skateboard on top of the building, collect coins, avoid the pit, and stay away from the police chasing you using the helicopter.

While skating, clear all the objective given so that you can move to the next city.

Unlock other characters with their own unique abilities. Join the league and connect to Facebook to see who is getting the best skills and score.

This game offers in-app purchases.
This game can be played offline/without internet access.

Check here for the game trailer:

Current version 2.4.0 requires Android 2.3.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:


Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Thursday, September 24, 2015

[FREE ANDROID APP] Scanbot: Document & QR Code Scaner with Auto-detect, Auto-Persepective and Auto-Capture, Turn Anything into PDF

Today FREE ANDROID APP is Scanbot.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Sometimes you are in this kind of situation, you need to send paper documents to someone else, however you don't have any scanner nearby, most of the time you end up taking photos with your phone's camera and send. The result is usually not that good - if not ugly. That's where FREE app like Scanbot comes handy.

Scan everything
Scanbot can virtually scan anything you can take with your phone's camera, be it documents, papers, even images or photos.

Auto-detect and Auto-capture
Once activated, the app will auto-search for document-like objects and it will do auto-perspective of the object so it will (crop and) become like a document (squarish), then auto-capture it. All you need to do is just save the doc or add a new page if you want to scan more than 1 page.

In the event Scanbot failed to detect any document-like objects, you can snap the object manually - just like taking picture with your phone.

Save options
You can save the captured doc into your iCloud drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive and any other cloud storage as pdf, or save the doc as photo to your camera folder, or you can share to virtually any social media/apps as pdf/image.

Having Scanbot installed is like having a scanner in your pocket, where you can use it wherever and whenever you go.

This app offers in-app purchases to unlock the pro features such as OCR, search inside the scanned documents, sign and annotate and secure the app using Touch ID.
This app can be played offline/without internet access.

Check the app trailer here:

Current version 4.0.8 requires Android 4.0.3 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Monday, September 21, 2015

[FREE ANDROID APP] Google Street View: Discover world landmarks, Famous Places & even Restaurants

Today FREE ANDROID APP is Google Street View.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Planning on a trip to somewhere but not yet certain about the location and the surrounding areas?
Or you do want to have a vacation to that place but because of whatever reason it is, you can't go yet?
If you are stuck with either one of the above, well Google now has the solution for you: Google Street View.

Google Street View is actually not a new application, it was named as Google Photo Sphere previously, but then they changed it to Street View - probably because people has known Street View for long time and the Street View name really does the purpose of the app.

However it's now really the same as Street View from Google Maps, the Street View here is more to view or show the famous places, tourist attractions, world landmarks, natural wonders. You can also step inside the place, such as museum or restaurants. So it's like you are on vacation but virtually.

The collections are not only coming from Google, but they are also coming from contributors. You can also become a contributor where you can share your discoveries to the world.

To me, this app is really amazing, it's like having world encyclopedia on hand. What about you? Do you find this app amazing as well?

This app has no in-app purchases.
This app needs internet access to view the Street View collections.

Current version varies between devices, however the app requires Android 2.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Saturday, September 19, 2015

[FREE ANDROID APP] Stick With Android - To counter 'Move to iOS' App by Apple, Inc and For Those who still love and stick to Android

Today FREE APP is Stick With Android.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

If Apple, Inc. recently has released their first ever app on Android Google Play store, named Move to iOS which basically help Android users to migrate their data to iPhone, this one developer has his own way to counter the movement.

He creates the Stick With Android app which basically just a fun, joke app, for those who still votes and loves Android.

The app has the button that say "Click here to Stick With Android". All it does is just simply give you a greeting message, "Congratulations, you did it!" and actually you really did it, because you still stick with your Android while reading this post :)

Current version requires Android 4.03 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

[FREE ANDROID APP] Move To iOS by Apple, Inc. - For Those on Android Platform who wants to move to Apple iOS Platform

Today FREE ANDROID APP is Move To iOS.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

The controversial app: Move To iOS app is built by Apple, Inc themselves with one purpose: helping those who wants to move from Google Android platform to Apple iOS platform.

Why controversial?
That's because this is the first app done by Apple and this app is for Android users to move to iOS.

Hardcode fans seen as...
Hardcore Android fans of course seen this movement as some kind of Apple back-stabbing Google after so long Google helping Apple with their services and ecosystem, from Google Maps, Google search on Safari.

Avoid headache
However, for those for whatever reasons want to jump ship to iOS, seen this as a great way to avoid their headache to move their contents - contacts, messages, photos, calendars, web bookmarks from Android to iOS.
Unfortunately, this app works only for Android 4.0 and up.

Many - in which I presume Android fans - have given this app a 1-star ratings, but not a few also has given this app a 5-star ratings.
So which one are you and what do you think of this app?

Current version 1.57.1 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Thursday, September 17, 2015

[FREE ANDROID GAME] Swap Cops: Turn Based Strategy Game

Today FREE ANDROID GAME is Swap Cops.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Swap Cops is a turn based strategy game where you control 4 cops to defeat the enemies and complete the missions.

These 4 cops are being formed as 3 in the front row and 1 at the back row. To attack is simply to tap these cops.

Cops Ability
Each cops has unique ability and range for attacking. The blue one has laser shot that shoot all the enemies in 1 single line (from bottom to top screen), while the red one with helmet is a flame thrower that shoot enemies in front of him directly in the first row and second row and all enemies in the third row. This is part of the game strategy, to choose the correct cop to attack so that you can maximize the attack power to inflict the most damage to the enemies.

Attack at the same time
To make 3 cops in the front row to perform attack at the same time, tap the cop at the back row, all 3 cops in the front row will perform the attacks together, however with only a fraction of the power.

Unlock more
Unlock more cops while you proceed to next more advance missions.

This game offers in-app purchases.
This game can be played offline/without internet access.

Current version 1.0 requires Android 2.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

[FREE ANDROID APP] Adblock Browser: Browse Internet Safely at the same time Save Your Data and Save Your Battery Life

Today FREE APP is Adblock Browser.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Adblock browser is the newest browser that only comes on mobile platform (iOS and Android) - no desktop version yet.

Comes from the very same person/team who made the original Adblock add-ons for desktop browsers back in 2006, Adblock browser is built with the same purpose: to get rid of ads on the web page you are visiting.

Advantages of Ads blocking
The advantages of getting rid of ads is not only you don't see the ads that are sometimes annoying, but also you are spared from those bad malwares and viruses as well as you are saving your data usage and battery lives.

The browser also has these features built-in on setting: disable tracking, disable malware domains, disable anti-adblocking messages and even disable social media buttons.

So, wait no more. Download the app and enjoy safer browsing. No ads = no picture or animation being loaded = no waste of data = more energy efficient.

Check the app trailer below:

This app has no in-app purchases.
This app needs internet access for browsing the internet.

Current version 1.0 requires Android 2.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

[FREE ANDROID GAME] On The Run: Fun, Fast Paced, Action Racing Game

Today FREE GAME is On The Run.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Looking for some fast action game? On The Run it is!
Ride the car, switch between lanes to avoid other cars, collect bolts for extra speeds and coins for  upgrading the ride.

Unlock special ride with special ability, such as UFO, Tank and Plane.

Hit the gas and have fun!

Check the game trailer below:

This game offers in-app purchases to buy diamonds that can be used to buy special ride and upgrade cars.
This game can be played offline/without internet access.

Current version 1.0.7 requires Android 2.3.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Monday, September 7, 2015

[FREE ANDROID GAME] Pokemon Shuffle Mobile: Official Pokemon Game on Android, Finally!

Today FREE GAME is Pokemon Shuffle Mobile.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Finally, the Pokemon game is here on iOS and Android platform. After waiting for so long, finally Nintendo has made up their mind by releasing the game to other platform other than their own console and handheld.

Even though the gameplay is different from the Pokemon game exists in Nintendo's console, however the game are still fun to play. The game is an adventure puzzle game.

Check out the game trailer here:

If you ever play Battle Camp, then the battle method is similar to it. Win the game by shuffling and create at least 3 matches of the same Pokemon.

Catch the Pokemons!
You will meet with pokemons during your journey, defeat them and catch them.

Each pokemon that has been caught, has different ability, strength and weakness, so choose them wisely for each battle.
Proceed to next stage whenever you have successfully defeated the Pokemon of the stage.


For Pokemon fans: definitely you should download and play this game. For those who don't know Pokemon before or not a fan for it, you can give it a try this game.

This game offers in-app purchases to buy jewels.
This game needs active internet connection to play the game.

Current version 1.1.0 requires Android 4.1 (JellyBean) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Friday, September 4, 2015

[FREE ANDROID GAME] Magic River: Help Foxie Through His Endless River Journey

Today FREE GAME is Magic River.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Simple fun game with simple objectives, Magic River is another simple game produced by KetchApp.

Help the foxy navigate his boat through the long never ending river. Steer left or right by tapping the screen, avoid river stones, collect the lotus gems. Complete the missions to unlock new characters.

Check here for the game trailer:

This game offers in-app purchases to remove ads.
This game can be played offline/without internet access.

Current version 1.0 requires Android 2.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

[FREE ANDROID GAME] Arrow: Snake Game + Endless Maze

Today FREE GAME is Arrow.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Remember snake game from the old Nokia 2000s phones?
If you ever used the phone back then, you must know how simple yet fun the game was.

Now, using almost the same concept, Ketchapp - this game developer, introduced Arrow which basically "snake" game but with endless maze.

Objective is simple. Avoid the maze wall by winding to the right and left. Collect as many gems and diamonds as you can to get highest score.
Gems taken will be added to your body parts, making the "snake" longer and longer.
Diamonds taken will be later used to purchase the arrow skin. One of the skin is the snake skin.

This game is good for those looking to play simple yet fun game.

This game offers in-app purchases to buy diamonds.
This game can be played offline/without internet access.

Current version 1.1 requires Android 4.1 (JellyBean) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

[FREE ANDROID GAME] Bullet Boy: Fun Adventure game in search of Mysterious Statues

Today FREE GAME is Bullet Boy.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Bullet Boy is an fun adventure game where you are controlling a boy by firing (tapping) the canon to the open space. Collect items, avoid birds and any objects ahead of you. Also don't stay in one canon too long because a deadly tornado is chasing behind you.

The game has leveling systems. At certain level, you need to collect some mysterious pieces of statues. Collect all the pieces.

If you like fast paced game, then you will love this game.

Check the game trailer here:

This game offers in-app purchases.
This game can be played offline/without internet access.

The game requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below: