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Kamcord is a Twitch for mobile games.
If you don't know Twitch, it is of course different from Twitter, it is a platform where gamers can watch their favorites games played by the other gamers or they can also stream or record the games their playing.
Kamcord is the same, except its focus is in mobile games.
You can find famous games from Gangstar Vegas, Clash of Clans, even Talking Tom.
The game listed is categorized by featured, trending, recent and popular.
Other than watching, you can also record live or upload your saved videos.
So if you would like to know what's the latest tricks on certain game, or you want to see how others play the games, or even you want to know what games are trending right now, Kamcord is the absolute answer for mobile games.
This app does not offers in-app purchases.
This app needs internet access to watch the feeds.
Current version 1.1.1 requires Android 4.1 (JellyBean) and up.
Here is the Google Play Store download link:
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