
Friday, January 30, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] Microsoft Outlook Preview: The Official Microsoft Outlook app for Android

Today FREE APP is Microsoft Outlook Preview.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Microsoft Outlook Preview is the official Outlook app from Microsoft for Android phones and tablets.

Why do you need outlook if you already have Gmail app, Mail app, Yahoo Mail app, app, etc etc?
By using Microsoft Outlook app, you can put all those email accounts under one app, not only the accounts can be in one app, but also all the emails belong to those accounts can be shown in one inbox, so you don't need to switch here and there just to see and reply the email.

Currently the app supports Microsoft Exchange, Office 365, (including MSN and Hotmail), Gmail, Yahoo Mail and even iCloud.

Microsoft Outlook app also supports OneDrive and Dropbox, so you can view and attach any files from your email. With this feature, you can also send large files even if you haven't downloaded them into your phone/tablet.

The app also has these features:
  • Focused inbox: The app will select emails that are considered important
  • Full calendar: Access calendar directly from the app
  • Find anything fast: Quickly find messages, people or files just by typing few letters
  • Sender's Name First Letter icon for every messages: Really helpful for skimming purpose

Current version 1.0.1 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

[FREE ANDROID APP] WiFi Map Pro - Password: Connect to WiFi Hotspot All over the World

Today FREE APP is WiFi Map Pro - Password.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

This app main objective is to show you WiFi password around you so that you can tap and connect to their WiFi. Very useful when you don't have data connection with you, usually when you are out for traveling to other places/countries.

This app is a community based sharing, so the more people shares any WiFi hotspots and their password, the more WiFi hotspots are available for the community to use. You can also contribute and share yours.

The best part is this app works even you are offline.

A must have app for those traveling frequently and don't have any data connection for whatever reasons.

Current version 2.1.3 requires Android 4.1 (JellyBean) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Or scan below using your Android phones/tablets to get the download link:


Or alternatively, click this link to download.

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Friday, January 23, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] Memorop: Social Memory App

Today FREE APP is Memorop.

Have you ever been in this situation where you come into a place and then somebody call you by your name, but you don't even remember them?

Memorop is a new social media intended as your personal relationship memory. So whenever you meet with somebody else new, after the introduction and such thing, you just need to both open your memorop app and the app will automatically detect both of your nearby and add each of you into the memorop app, along with the tagging description. If the tagging description is not enough describing the person you met, you can add your personal tagging description.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

The next time you meet with this person, just before you meet, you can search this person in your memorop app using the tagging description. If she is blonde and tall and you met her in the coffee shop downtown, then use these 3 tags to narrow down your search. Once you get it, then meet and greet her personally.

Check the official video from memorop:

If you can't open the video above, use this link instead.

This app requires your Facebook ID and access to your friend list and events.
This app can also fetch from LinkedIn and Meetup as well.

The app version varies between devices, however the app requires Android 2.2 (FroYo) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] WhatsApp for Web: Chatting from your Browser

Today FREE APP is WhatsApp for Web.

This actually is not really an app, but rather a web version of WhatsApp.
Have you ever wonder if you could whatsapp with your friends from your computer since you are working on it?

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Rather than keep switching between computer (for doing what you are doing) and phone (for replying or sending whatsapp messages), now WhatsApp has its web version.

Make sure you are using the latest version of WhatsApp.
Then all you need to do is to just open from your browser.
Then from your phone, open WhatsApp, navigate to Menu - WhatsApp Web.
Then scan the QR code appear on the web using your phone.
And then voila! Enjoy WhatsApp-ing from web.

Unlike WhatsApp+ that is coming from 3rd party, this web version of WhatsApp is an official product from WhatsApp. So worry free to use.

To use the web version of WhatsApp, you are required to use the latest version of WhatsApp.
As of today, the current version is 2.11.491 and requires Android 2.1 (Eclair) and up.

To download the latest version of WhatsApp, here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] Quickie: A new way to communicate with friends

Today FREE APP is Quickie Messenger.

Quickie is the newest kid in the "messaging" block (read: section/area).

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Even tough as we know today, there are plentiful of messaging apps out there, there are still new messaging apps being introduced. Quickie is one of them.

What's unique in Quickie when you already have tons of messaging apps in your phone?
You don't just do normal messaging ritual like chatting by typing the words or by sending audio messages, but you can also sketch or draw something and send it to them.
You can also create and share you animated selfies.

With Quickies, messages are directly sent to the recipient once you finished typing. So it's just like real conversation, no editing, no re-thinking. Once you finished typing, it will be sent directly without pressing any send button.

Messages will also disappear within 24 hours.

The creator of Quickie built this app with the intention of helping you get more connected with people that matter: your closest friends, therefore Quickie only allowing you to add up to 8 friends for more private and intimate connection with these people you care most about. So choose wisely!

This app offers in-app purchases.

Current version 1.2.2 requires Android 2.3.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

[FREE GAME] [Android] TextTwist 2 [Amazon]

Today FREE GAME is TextTwist 2.

This GAME, usual price at $1.99, is now FREE on Amazon App Store as of 21st Jan 2015 GMT+8 and will be FREE for today only until about 1.00 pm GMT+8, so make sure to download it while it's FREE.

To install Amazon App Store on your Android device, follow these steps:

Originally release for PC, now TextTwist 2 is available for Android devices.
5 game modes available for you to play: Timed, Untimed, Letter Mania, Lightning, and Daily Word.

Show off your word knowledge and impress your friends by winning the trophies and unlock cool facts.

A must have and must download for word game fans.

Current version 1.4.18 requires Android 2.3.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Amazon App Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Monday, January 19, 2015

[FREE GAME] [Android] Crossy Road - Endless Arcade Hopper

Today FREE GAME is Crossy Road - Endless Arcade Hopper.

Do you ever play or know Frogger back in 80s to 90s?
The game that controls frog and help the frog to cross the road?
If yes, then you can play your nostalgic game in a new form.
If no, then you are lucky, you can play the modern version of the 80s Frogger.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Crossy Road is the new Frogger of this new millennium.
Instead of Frog, Crossy Road character start with Chicken. Start with chicken means that along the way in the game, you can use other characters, from animals to zombies.

The gameplay is super simple. All you need to do is to help the character to cross the road/path so that it can reach the other side.

It's the new Flappy Bird, Even though people hate it for whatever reasons, they always get back and try again.

This game is on the Top 10 FREE apps in the Google Play Store. If you never installed it before, my suggestion is to download and give it a try. 

This game offers in-app purchases to buy extra characters.

Current version 1.0.1 requires Android 2.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Thursday, January 15, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] Google Translate Amazing New Features: Direct Voice Translation, Word Lens, Photo Translation

Today FREE APP is Google Translate.

As you already knew before, Google Translate is an app that help you to translate between 2 languages.

Now, after Google previously purchased the company that make the Word Lens app, Google is now coming with the update for its Google Translate app.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

The update brings these amazing new features:
1. Instant translation with Camera
2. Photo Translation
3. Direct Voice Translation

The first new feature is for sure coming from Word Lens app and is currently only can translate from and to these languages:
1. English <-> French
2. English <-> German
3. English <-> Italian
4. English <-> Portugese
5. English <-> Russian
6. English <-> Spanish
These instant translation, previously on Word Lens app was available as in-app purchases, now after bought and integrated by Google into Google Translate, this feature is available for FREE. Amazing Google!

The second new feature is photo translation. For now it supports 36 languages and will supports more in the future. To use this feature, you need to click on the camera icon for the app to start taking photo. Once the photo is taken, it will recognize the text and start translating.
Unfortunately, to use this feature, you need to choose the two languages first. From which language to which language, which means that photo translation is only support translating one language at a time and you need to know first which language is that you want Google to translate it for you.
Perhaps this feature can be improved in the future to auto-detect the language from the photo.

The third new feature is the most amazing one. Direct Voice Translation. Same as the second new feature, to use this feature, you need to preselect both languages before translation begin. Without choosing the languages, this feature can't be used.
Once you select the languages, from and to, all you need to do is press the mic button. If let say you are translating from Chinese to English, there will be 3 buttons in the UI. Speak Chinese button, Speak English button and Mic button.
If you are not sure who is going to talk first, push the Mic button, the app will then detect whether the spoken language is Chinese or English.
Once you finished one statement, the app will then translate to you in an instant (depending on your network connection- of course).
This feature is really useful when you are traveling to countries in which you don't really understand the language and you need to ask for direction.
This feature is also really useful if you have new business partner that don't really speak your language.
What about you? How do you think this new features from Google can help you?

Current version varies between devices, however the app requires Android 2.1 (Eclair) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] Chrome Remote Desktop: Remote your Computer from Android phones/tablets

Today FREE APP is Chrome Remote Desktop.

Another great app from Google, Chrome Remote Desktop is app that enables you to remote your computer from your Android phone/tablet.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Make sure you have Chrome browser in your Computer.
Currently the app supports remote to any Windows/Mac/Linux computer.

Before accessing your computer remotely from anywhere, you need to do the following steps:
1. First install the Chrome Desktop App on your phone/tablet. Download link below.
2. Install the Chrome Remote Desktop App extension on your Chrome Browser on your computer. Here is the link to install the Chrome Remote Desktop App extension: Chrome Remote Desktop App Extension
3. Once you installed the Chrome Remote Desktop App extension, launch the app.
4. Under remote assistance, find "Share this computer for another user to see and control", click on the "Share" button.
For Windows:
5. Depends on your Computer, if it's a Windows computer, it will ask you for PIN. Enter any PIN and click "Yes" to install the Chrome Remote Host Service. After installation, confirm your Google Account and re-enter the PIN. Once succeed, your Windows Computer will appear on the list.
For Mac:
6. For Mac, it will first download the "chromeremotedesktop.dmg" to your Computer. Click the "chromeremotedesktop.dmg" to mount the installer, and then locate "Chrome Remote Desktop,mpkg" file and double click on it. Once installed, click "OK" to enable to Mac for remote access. Enter your desired PIN and re-enter it. A System Preference dialog appear, unlock the panel and confirm your account and PIN. Once you confirmed and click "OK", your Mac will appear on the list.
7. Open your Chrome Remote Desktop app on your phone/tablet, and select your Computer from there to begin the remote session. Enter the PIN when prompted.
8. Done!

The steps are quite many and quite confusing, but once you have done all the steps correctly, you can then remote your Computer from virtually anywhere in the world as long as you have internet connection to both your Computer and your phone/tablet.

Current version varies between devices, however the app requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Monday, January 12, 2015

[FREE GAME] [Android] Trivia Crack: #1 Trivia game in US and Canada! Worth to try

Today FREE GAME is Trivia Crack.

Trivia Crack is a currently #1 app trivia game in US and Canada and some other countries.

Main objective of Trivia Crack is to outsmarting your opponent by completing first all the categories questions.
The 6 categories are science, entertainment, art, geography, sports and history.

With constant updates, adding more and more questions - promised by the developer, you'll never get bored playing this game.

If you are stuck on particular question, you can use coins to help you get special advantages such as Power Ups or extra spins.

Use your wit and strategy to win the game!

This game offers in-app purchases to buy coins.

Current version varies between devices requires Android 2.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Friday, January 9, 2015

[FREE GAME] [Android] Mujo: Unique Puzzle Game with Greek Gods comes for help

Today FREE GAME is Mujo.

Mujo is a rather unique puzzle game with simple gameplay but fun to play.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Your main objective is to defeat the monster by combining minimum 3 tiles to attack the monster.

What makes this game unique is that you can add variety of Greek Gods to help you.
You will meet with Zeus, Hermes, Perseus, Athena and many others. Each God has different ability.
For example, Zeus, his ability is to thunderbolt the lower 2 rows.

This game offers in-app purchases.

Current version 1.1.6 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Thursday, January 8, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] Stichy: A new Social Media for sharing moments via interactive slideshow

Today FREE APP is Stichy.

Stichy is a new social media meant for sharing moments (pictures), turning group of pictures you shares into interactive slideshows.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

When opening the app for the first time, it will ask you to register/login.
If you haven't had an account, then register for it.

Once registered, you can start create "album" and add pictures into the album as well as add friends or other person who you grant to view or even add pictures to your album.

Once pictures added into the album, open it and push the play button to play the slideshow.

Current version 1.0.2 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] Flick - Simply the easiest way to share

Today FREE APP is Flick.

Flick is app used for sharing/exchanging images, videos, notes, contacts and even e-money between your phone and tablet.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

If you ever use Bump app before where you need to bump to share/exchange, this Flick app is similar to it. 

All you need to do to share/exchange is to have Flick installed on both devices then activate Flick.
Flick will then search for nearby devices, once each devices has been connected one to another, you just need to select any images, videos, notes or contacts, and flick them up.
Once you flick them up, the images, videos, notes or contacts you sent will appear on the other devices in an instant. Awesome!

Another awesome feature of Flick is that it can set auto destruct to any items you sent. If you ever use SnapChat before, this auto destruct feature is similar.
Before flick the item, you just set auto destruct and choose how many second it will auto destruct, then flick it up to the other device. When the other device receive, they can only see the item as long as the timer haven't reach 0. Once it reached 0, then the item sent will be deleted.

Another awesome feature is that Flick works cross platform, between Android, iOS, OSX and Windows. That means you can transfer images, videos, notes or contacts from Android to iOS and vice versa.

Current version 1.2.1 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] 2015 International CES: Official CES App

Today FREE APP is 2015 International CES. The Official CES app.

For those wondering what is CES, CES is Consumer Electronic Show, it's a international show to show off latest electronics and technology. Held every January in Las Vegas, United States.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

With the official app you will have:
  • Able to sign in with your CES registration credentials
  • Get the full event schedule, event headline
  • See the exhibitor pages, interactive maps
  • Favorite any sessions and speakers
  • Set your own schedule
  • Take notes
  • and share to social media
Don't miss anything from CES. Download the app now!

Current version 1.0.8 requires Android 4.1 (JellyBean) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Monday, January 5, 2015

[FREE APP] [Android] 1 Second Everyday - Welcome to 2015!

Hi it's been quite a long time since my last post in 2014. I was busy with my work, so I couldn't really write a FREE APP for you back then. But now is 2015 already and here is my first FREE APP post for you.

Today FREE APP is 1 Second Everyday.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

This is my second time posting about this app. 1 Second Everyday is actually a video diary where you record 1 second of your life to the diary (app).
And after quite a while, you can play back the video from start to end to see how is your life every day for the rest of your life.

So if you haven't record anything yet, start today and on next year, you can see your video compilation for the whole 2015!

Some features of the app:
  • Reminder, so that you won't forgot to take 1 second video
  • Multiple timelines, so that you can have multiple timelines, 1 for you, 1 for you wife, each for your kids and so on
  • 1SE Crowds where you can submit a second of your life to videos made up from hunders of people
  • Compile any given amount of time desired
  • Backup your video to Google Drive
  • and many more...

This app is FREE for the first 30 days. And after 30 days, if you like the app, you can purchase it via the in-app purchases.

Current version 1.7.1 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below: