
Friday, November 28, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] Androidify: Create your Android Avatar

Today FREE APP is Androidify.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Androidify is an app for you to make an Android avatar that look like you or your best friend or anyone you want.

Choose from the available animations such as laugh, dance and cheer.
Send your avatar when you are texting as chat emoticons or as animated GIFs or images.

You can also submit your Android avatar to gallery and have the possibility to be selected to appear in the new Android advertising campaign.

Androidify yourself!

Current version and minimum OS requirement varies between Android devices.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

[FREE APPS] [Android] Black Friday Frenzy! Apps worth over $130 are now FREE

Black Friday is here!

And Amazon is giving away their TOP paid apps and games worth over $130 for FREE for limited period of time, so make sure to download it while it's FREE.

To install Amazon App Store on your Android device, follow these steps:

Here are the list of apps and games that are FREE:
  • Splashtop Whiteboard. UP $34.99
  • Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition for Android. UP $24.00
  • Docs to GO Premium Key. UP $9.99
  • Dictionary. UP $3.99
  • My Backup Pro. UP$2.99
  • Sonic Jump. UP $2.99
  • Einstein's Challenge. UP $1.99
  • Simple List Pro. UP $1.29
  • Bike Race Pro. UP $0.99
  • Bejeweled 2. UP $
  • and few more apps and games

Head here the Amazon App Store download link to download them:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Thursday, November 27, 2014

[FREE GAME] [Android] Ultimate Hangman HD [Amazon]

Today FREE APP is Ultimate Hangman HD.

This GAME, usual price at $0.99, is now FREE on Amazon App Store as of 27th November 2014 GMT+8 and will be FREE for today only until about 1.00 pm GMT+8, so make sure to download it while it's FREE.

To install Amazon App Store on your Android device, follow these steps:

Play classic game hangman now with the Ultimate Hangman HD. While you are having fun, at the same time your vocabulary is increased.

With 4 different themes to choose from, 73 word categories and 2 player modes.

Play as long as you can, save the hangman from getting hung.

Current version 1.0.7 requires Android 2.2 (FroYo) and up.

Here is the Amazon App Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

[FREE APP] [Android] Spectafy: Community-Powered Info Sharing

Today FREE APP is Spectafy.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

The idea behind Spectafy is actually a community-powered info sharing. Using the app, it can helps you to know what's happening on the places you want to see right now by sending a request and people happen to be nearby the place you requested, will help you take photos of the surroundings and send it to you so that using photos you know what's happening there. At the same time, you can also help people who wants to see what's happening to the place near you.

Discover what's hot and trending near you by content most upvoted by the community.

Currently Spectafy is in beta and only can be used to get help if you are happen to be in San Fransisco. You need to enter a code in order to use the service. Use 2382 to get in.
If you are not in San Fransisco right now, then you can still use the app to see and explore the city.

Current version 1.2.2 requires Android 4.2 (JellyBean) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] Photo Gallery (Fish Bowl)

Today FREE APP is Photo Gallery (Fish Bowl).

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Bored with the same photo gallery app you have been using since you are using Android?
If yes, then now is time for you to try Photo Gallery (Fish Bowl) app, an award winning photo and video organizer with many powerful features integrated into the app.

Organize, share, edit, and even lock your private pictures and videos.
Other than that, you can use the app to play slideshow, set wallpaper and compare photos.

This app, up till now, is not supporting Android KitKat.
Those who are on KitKat right now, is recommended not to use this app.

This app/game offers in-app purchases.

Current version 0.3.10 requires Android 2.1 (Eclair) and up to Android 4.3 (JellyBean). Android 4.4 (KitKat) is not supported.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

[FREE GAME] [Android] Jack Lumber [Amazon]

Today FREE GAME is Jack Lumber.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

This GAME, usual price at $1.99, is now FREE on Amazon App Store as of 26th November 2014 GMT+8 and will be FREE for today only until about 1.00 pm GMT+8, so make sure to download it while it's FREE.

To install Amazon App Store on your Android device, follow these steps:

Jack Lumber is a game similar to Fruit Ninja where your objective is to chop all the trees.

The story is simple, his granny was killed by a tree and now Jack wants to revenge her by chopping all the trees.

Fight the forest and make granny proud!

Current version 1.5.5 requires Android 2.2 (FroYo) and up.

Here is the Amazon App Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] Flock - Daily Standups for Remote Team

Today FREE APP is Flock - Daily Standups for Remote Team.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Are you working with remote team? Or are you working as part of the remote team? Or are you tired of joining and/or inviting everybody on your team for status update meeting?

Flock is an app designed to help you and your team to quickly communicate each day in an efficient manner without having you and your team to meetup and have meeting.

How the app works:
  • Invite team members to share on Flock
  • Post your plan, progress and issue
  • Browse update from your team member
  • Get notified whenever team member complete their tasks
Using this app, you can avoid having meeting each and every day for status update, because everybody can stay in sync by checking the app to get updates and/or getting notified in real time for progress and task

This app does not offers in-app purchases. However this app has 2 plans: Basic and Premium where Basic is always free and enough for you to communicate between your team members, while Premium you will have premium features such as unlimited history, full text search and many more.

Current version 1.0 requires Android 4.1 (JellyBean) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Android FREE APPS and/or FREE GAMES, visit below:

[FREE APP] [Android] Dasher Messenger

Today FREE APP is Dasher Messenger.

Dasher Messenger is a new messenger app with some breakthrough features, they are:
  • Express yourself with GIF images
  • Delete your regretted sent message in real time
  • Play YouTube videos right in the chat window
  • Send and receive money using Venmo from your chat window.
The last feature mentioned above is making this app to be the first money messenger app in the US.

Current version 1.0.95 requires Android 2.3.3 (GingerBread) and up. This messenger is only available in US Google Play Store.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Monday, November 24, 2014

[FREE GAME] [Android] Darkness Reborn

Today FREE GAME is Darkness Reborn.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit and bookmark:

Darkness Reborn is a MORPG game by Gamevil, where you are playing as a warrior to save the already chaos world from the Cursed Knight.

Slice all the enemies or combat with other players.
You can team up with friends, up to 6, and raid the World Boss or defeat other players in live 3 vs 3 combat.

Customize your hero with thousand of items to make it stronger.
Hundreds of achievements to be collected.

This game offers in-app purchases.

Current version 1.0.5 requires Android 2.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link (link revised):

Saturday, November 22, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] JustUnfollow for Twitter & Instagram Management

Today FREE APP is JustUnfollow for Twitter & Instagram Management.

JustUnfollow is an app for managing Twitter and Instagram where you can find your followers, unfollowers, find inactive users, get suggestions of awesome users to follow, put them to blacklist or whitelist and so many other features such as friend check.

The app also has TakeOff feature where you can schedule your photo posting on Instagram.
The new version of the app, version 5.10.3, now has even made it easier for you. You can just use both of the service (JustUnfollow and TakeOff) with a single login.

This app offers in-app purchases to buy premium and pro features.
But don't worry, even you are not purchasing any, you can still follow and unfollow 50 accounts every 24 hours.

Current version 1.9.6 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Friday, November 21, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] WeMail

Today FREE APP is WeMail.

WeMail is email app designed from ground up for you to communicate naturally using your mobile phone.

WeMail main features are:
  • Auto Organize. emails are grouped by sender, to free your inbox from getting clutter
  • Email with chat-like or sms-like interface
  • Support voice messages for sending emails. So whenever you are too busy too type, just use your voice
  • One-tap access to all attachments including documents and photos you have ever shared with others
WeMail works with Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook and AOL.

Current version 1.01 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Thursday, November 20, 2014

[FREE GAME] [Android] Monument Valley [Amazon]

Today FREE GAME is Monument Valley.

This GAME, usual price at $3.99, is now FREE on Amazon App Store as of 20th November 2014 GMT+8 and will be FREE for today only until about 1.00 pm GMT+8, so make sure to download it while it's FREE.

To install Amazon App Store on your Android device, follow these steps:

Play as silent princess, guide her in the stunningly beautiful yet simple world through mysterious monuments by manipulating the architecture, uncovering hidden paths and outsmarting the crow people.

This game has received various great praise from Kotaku, Polygon, Huffington Post and many more.

"Brilliant design... stayed with me like a dream I didn't want to forget... 9/10" - Polygon

Current version requires Android 2.3.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Amazon App Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

[FREE ANDROID APP] Pomotodo - Pomodoro meets GTD

Today FREE APP is Pomotodo - Pomodoro meets GTD.

Pomodoro is, quoted from Wikipedia, is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. These intervals are known as "pomodori", the plural of the Italian word pomodoro for "tomato". The method is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility.

GTD is short for Getting Things Done.

So this app, Pomotodo is where the two most efficient time management methods, pomodoro and GTD, meet to help you better in collect, schedule, review and do things.The app contains full workflow management.

Current version 1.6.6 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

Or scan below using your Android phones/tablets to get the download link:


Or alternatively, click this link to download.

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] Hidden Object Lost Worlds [Amazon]

Today FREE GAME is Hidden Object Lost Worlds.

This GAME, usual price at $0.99, is now FREE on Amazon App Store as of 19th November 2014 GMT+8 and will be FREE for today only until about 1.00 pm GMT+8, so make sure to download it while it's FREE.

To install Amazon App Store on your Android device, follow these steps:

Join in the magical and mystical adventure in search of hidden objects.

Choose the game mode: Arcade or World Select mode.

15 gorgeous worlds with 4 sub levels for each world to explore.

Stuck? Skip the level now and come back later.

This game is suitable for all ages, no mature content inside.

Current version 1.0 requires Android 2.3.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Amazon App Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

[FREE APP] [Android] One - Hacker News, Designer News, Product Hunt, Reddit and many more

Today FREE APP is One.

Are you having too many applications that only does/opens 1 thing at a time?
Well, simplify them using One app.

Read Hacker News, Designer News, Product Hunt, Reddit, Slashdot, Medium, Github trending, Readability Top Reads in one place one app using One app. Just check-marked anything you want to follow and read the news.

The news headlines for each source is shown using simple list interface much like rss feeds.

Current version 1.0 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] SUPER! New way to share your thought!


Created by the maker of Jelly app, SUPER! is a new quirky, colorful and different way to share your thought in the social media world.

First you need to create your profile, before able to share your thought.
Once your profile is setup, you can start finding friends and posting.

You can choose any wording such as "The Best", "I am" or whatever, then sign it with your nick and choose your photo or take picture directly. Give some effects to the photo and post it.

You and your friends later can respond to your posting with another photo with wording.
It's like Instagram but with pictures everywhere as comments and responses.

Current version 1.0.003 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.
Unfortunately since my Nexus 7 2012 does not have back camera, this app can't be installed on it.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Monday, November 17, 2014

[FREE GAME] [Android] Big Hero 6: Bot Fight

Today FREE GAME is Big Hero 6: Bot Fight.

Join with Hiro, Baymax and the rest of Big Hero 6 team to destroy all the enemies and defeat Yama and reprogram the V.I.L.E infected bots and save San Fransokyo.

The gameplay is similar to Battle Camp, even simpler, all you need to do is to minimum make 3 match of the power cell (jewel) to initiate an attack to the enemies. Create combos for even greater attack.

Collect bots and evolve them to be the most powerful bots.

You can also team up with friends to complete missions and earn rewards.

This game offers in-app purchases.

Current version 2.0.6 requires Android 3.0 (HoneyComb) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Friday, November 14, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] Midpic - Unveil your pic to those who deserve it

Today FREE APP is Midpic - Unveil your pic to those who deserve it.

Midpic is intended for sharing selfies photos to friends or anybody.

When you send, the other end will receive your photos in half, the rest half of your photo is blurred. Your friend or anybody on the other end, need to send photo as well first.

Once you got his photo (also) in half, you can see whether it's worth to trade photo with him or not. You can choose to accept or decline.
If accepted, then you can see his other half photo, and your friends also can see the other half  photo of you.  And that's why the app is called Midpic.

Once the photo is unveiled, it will disappear.
So this app, I can say,  is a feature combination from Snapchat and Facebook Slingshot plus the 'half' mode.

Have fun trading pictures and unveil surprises that may come to you.

Current version 1.0.19 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Unfortunately, this app is not compatible with my Nexus 7 2012 version, even though it has front camera to take photos.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

[FREE APP] [Android] Messenger by Google

Today FREE APP is Messenger.

An app from Google that helps you send and receive SMS and MMS messages to any phone.
You can also send group text messages, pictures, videos and even audio messages.

With new material design, easy search, direct access to camera so that you can take photos and send it directly from the app, emoji support, message archiving and many more.

This app also has the ability to blacklist SMS from certain senders you don't want them to send you messages.

Current version varies between devices, however the app requires minimum Android 4.1 (JellyBean) and up.

Oh yes unfortunately, this app works only on smartphone and not tablet without phone feature such as my Nexus 7 2012 version.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Thursday, November 13, 2014

[FREE GAME] [Android] Candy Crush Soda Saga

Today FREE GAME is Candy Crush Soda Saga.

Sequel to the popular game Candy Crush Saga, Candy Crush Soda Saga has new candies, more divine combinations and more challenging game brimming with purple soda.

With over 140 levels to play and new game modes such as Soda mode, Frosting mode and Honey mode, sure you will have something to play this whole weekend or even this whole month.

Connect to your facebook to enable leaderboards and of course ask for friends' help whenever you need help.

This game offers in-app purchases.

Current version 1.30.31 requires Android 2.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] JANDI - Team Communication for Business

Today FREE APP is JANDI - Team Communication for Business.

Jandi is an app that functioning like Google Drive + Google Hangout + Google search + Google sync in one place one app.

Meant for business team communication, using Jandi you can instantly communicate with anyone in your team both in groups or one to one. Create and join in many topics as you want.

You can also upload, share and collaborate on the file uploaded to the cloud.

Looking for something? You can just easily search using the smart search functionality.

Move seamlessly between desktop and mobile, because Jandi doing the sync for you.

The best part is the developer promise to keep Jandi FREE forever no matter how big your team is.

Current version 0.4.2 requires Android 4.0 (ICS) and up.

Unfortunately in the current version, it doesn't seem to support my 3G tablet Nexus 7 2012 version. Perhaps the app now only works for smartphone and not for tablet.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] Image Blender Instafusion

Today FREE APP is Image Blender Instafusion.

This APP, usual price at $1.99, is now FREE on Amazon App Store as of 11th November 2014 GMT+8 and will be FREE for today only until about 1.00 pm GMT+8, so make sure to download it while it's FREE.

To install Amazon App Store on your Android device, follow these steps:

Image Blender Instafusion, just like its name, is an app for blending 2 photos into one.

With 5 blending options: see through, unistrip, lightmex, radial blend, or just blend.

This app also allows you to share your photos directly to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Current version 2.0.9 requires Android 2.3 (GingerBread) and up.

Here is the Amazon App Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

[FREE APP] [Android] Boop: Self Destructing Animating Text Messages

Today FREE APP is Boop: Self Destructing Animating Text Messages.

Do you need to have private conversation with someone else?
When you texting his/her in private mode, you are afraid that he/she are going to screen capture it and somehow publish it later?

Well using Boop, that kind of thing is not going to happen.
You can have your private conversation using text as well as animated emoji (they call it Boopmation).
Your message is shown one word at a time, so even when the recipient trying to screen capture your message, he/she can do it but will not get the full message.
The message also get deleted itself once you read them, so there won't be any history of your private conversation.

Current version 1.1 requires Android 4.1 (JellyBean) and up.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Monday, November 10, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] Phone Gangster: SpoofCard - The fun way to prank your friends and play a funny joke and fool them for a good laugh FREE

Today FREE APP is Phone Gangster: SpoofCard - The fun way to prank your friends and play a funny joke and fool them for a good laugh FREE.

As the title says, this app is used for fun, to prank your friends by changing your caller id and even changing your voice either to male voice or female voice. You can also add background noise such as noise from the traffic jam, noise from a night club and many more.

Spoof it with 3 steps:
1. Call the access number
2. Enter the destination phone number
3. Enter the number you want to appear on your friend's phone

The first 3 calls are unlimited and FREE. After the 3 calls, you will need to purchase one of the in-app purchases to add the minutes.

Current version 3.2.8 requires Android 2.1 (Eclair) and up.
Unfortunately, this app can't be installed on tablet even with 3G such as my Nexus 7 2012 version, it can be installed to any devices with phone supports. 

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit:

Saturday, November 8, 2014

[FREE APP] [Android] Google Maps: New UI & Navigating faster and easier

Today FREE APP is Google Maps.

I bet everybody has Google Maps (or Maps) in their phone or tablet.

Now Google just updated its Google Maps application. The most noticeable changes is the new material design looks which brings bold graphics and fluid motion.

Google also said that navigation in the Google Maps is now easier and faster.

Other than above, Google Maps has these features as well:
  • Maps for 220 countries and territories
  • Voice guided GPS for driving, biking and cycling
  • Transit direction for 1500 towns and cities
  • Live traffic reports 
  • Street view and indoor imagery for certain places such as restaurants and museums.
The best part is they are all available for FREE.

Here is the Google Play Store download link:

For more FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit: